If you’re a seller who is looking to get your product in front of more eyes, selling wholesale to retailers is a great way to do it. By working with retailers, you can reach a large audience quickly and easily. 

In this post, we’ll walk you through the basics of selling wholesale to retailers, so that you can get started on your own journey to success.

Do wholesalers sell to retailers?

Wholesalers are companies that sell products to other businesses, typically in large quantities at a reduced price. Retailers are businesses that sell products to customers, usually in small quantities and at a higher price. In most cases, wholesalers will not sell directly to retailers.

 Instead, they will work with distributors, who act as middlemen between wholesalers and retailers. 

Distributors typically buy products from multiple wholesalers and then sell them to retailers. This allows retailers to purchase the products they need without having to deal directly with a large number of wholesalers. 

In some cases, however, a wholesaler may sell directly to a retailer, depending on the size of the order and the type of product involved.

What is the process of selling wholesale to retailers?

The process of selling wholesale to retailers is relatively simple. 

First, the manufacturer produces the product and ships it to the retailer. The retailer then sells the product to customers at a marked-up price. In order for a manufacturer to sell its products wholesale, it must have a business license and a tax ID number. Additionally, the manufacturer must create an account with the retailer. Once the account is created, the manufacturer can start listing their products for sale. 

Retailers typically require that manufacturers offer a minimum discount off of the retail price. For example, a manufacturer may need to offer a 10% discount in order to sell their products wholesale. In some cases, the retailer may also require that the manufacturer provide exclusive rights to sell their products. 

This means that the manufacturer cannot sell their products to other retailers or directly to consumers. 

Benefits of selling wholesale to retailers

The advantage of selling wholesale is that it allows manufacturers to reach a larger customer base than they would be able to if they were selling only through brick-and-mortar stores or online retailers. Another benefit of selling wholesale is that it enables manufacturers to take advantage of economies of scale. 

When selling products in large quantities, manufacturers can often negotiate discounts from suppliers, which can help increase their profit margins. 

When you sell wholesale to retailers, you are guaranteed to get a higher price per unit than if you were to sell directly to consumers. This is because retailers are interested in making a profit on the products they sell, so they are willing to pay more for goods that will allow them to do so. 

Finally, selling wholesale can help to build relationships with other businesses in your industry. These relationships can be beneficial in many ways, including gaining access to new markets and networking opportunities.

Tips to selling wholesale to retailers

While there are many nuances to selling wholesale to retailers, there are a few key things that all sellers should keep in mind. We’ll discuss some tips to help you get started. 

Pricing strategy

When selling wholesale to retailers, pricing is one of the most important considerations. You need to strike a balance between making a profit and being competitive. Research your competition. Find out what other businesses are charging for similar products. This will give you a good starting point for setting your own prices.

Keep your margins reasonable. You don’t want to price yourself out of the market, but you also need to make sure you’re making a profit. A good rule of thumb is to aim for a 50% margin. Offer bulk discounts. Many retailers are willing to pay more for products if they can buy them in larger quantities. Offering discounts for bulk purchases can help you increase your profits without jeopardizing your competitive position.

Product sourcing

You’ll need to find a reliable source for your products. This can be difficult, as you’ll need to find a supplier that can provide high-quality goods at a reasonable price. 

Establish your policies

Before you start selling wholesale, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your policies. How much of a discount will you offer? What are your minimum order quantities? Are there any terms and conditions that retailers need to be aware of? Answering these questions ahead of time will help to prevent misunderstandings down the road. It’s also a good idea to put your policies in writing so that both you and the retailer are on the same page.

Determine what shipping and handling costs will be

Shipping and handling costs can be a make-or-break factor when selling wholesale to retailers. If your shipping costs are too high, retailers will likely look elsewhere for suppliers. On the other hand, if your shipping costs are too low, you may find yourself in the red after fulfilling an order. The best way to determine shipping and handling costs is to calculate the average cost of shipping per unit, including both materials and labor. 

Once you have this figure, add a reasonable markup to cover overhead expenses and you will have a good starting point for negotiations with potential customers. Remember, the goal is to find a happy medium that meets the needs of both parties.

Create a website to sell wholesale to retailers

You need to create a website that clearly outlines your terms and conditions for wholesale orders. This should include information on minimum order quantities, pricing, shipping, and returns. You also need to make sure that your website is easy to navigate and includes clear product photos and descriptions. You may need to promote your website through online advertising and social media.

Approach retailers to sell your products

Make sure you approach the right retailers. Consider the type of product you’re selling and the type of store that would be most likely to sell it. Then, do your research and make sure you contact the decision-maker at the store (this is often the buyer or store manager). Be prepared to answer any questions they have about your product and why it would be a good fit for their store.

Maintain relationship with retailers / long term relationship building

It’s important to build and maintain relationships with retailers. This is a long-term play – you want to establish yourself as a reliable supplier that they can count on for quality products. That way, when they’re looking to place an order, they’ll think of you first. 

Other considerations… 

When selling wholesale to retailers, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it’s important to have a good relationship with your customers. Retailers are busy and they need to be able to rely on you to provide them with high-quality products and good customer service. Finally, you need to be flexible. Retailers’ needs can change on a dime, so you need to be able to adapt your business in order to stay afloat. 

How Kickfurther Can Help

Wholesalers everywhere know that one of the hardest parts of the job is making sure you have enough inventory on-hand to meet the demands of your retail customers. It’s a delicate balancing act – order too much product and you’re stuck with costly overhead and inventory carrying charges, but order too little and you risk losing sales (and maybe even customers) to the competition. 

Fortunately, Kickfurther can help. We provide a way for you to get funding for product inventory quickly for a price you can afford. Kickfurther is the world’s first online inventory financing platform that enables companies to access funds that they are unable to acquire through traditional sources. With Kickfurther you can fund millions of dollars worth of inventory at costs of up to 30% lower than the competition. It gets better though – you don’t pay until you start making sales. You’ll truly have the opportunity to create a payment schedule that works for your business. You’ll outline expected sales periods to create customized payment terms. With more than $100 million in inventory funded to date, Kickfurther can help you get funded within a day or even minutes to hours. If your brand sells physical products or non-perishable consumables and has revenue between $150k to $15mm over the last 12 months, you are a prime Kickfurther candidate. 


Wholesale selling can be a great way to move your products and increase profits, but it takes some effort to get started. These tips will help you navigate the process and make connections with retailers that can sell your products for you.

Interested in getting funded on Kickfurther?  Create a free business account, complete the online application, review deals, and get funded in as little as minutes!

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